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Aerotheurge skills deal Int-Based Air damage. Many of their skills have a utility focus, such as teleporting, DOS Status Effect StunnedStunningCannot Move or Act , shields and statusdoss. Very few enemies have high Air Resistance so it provides reliable damage, if not as high as a Pyrokinetic's Fire damage. Probably the best element to combine with a Battlemage as it offers 3 different teleports. Its level 5 ability grants immune to DOS Status Effect StunnedstunningCannot Move or Act , and in emergencies, DOS Skill Become Air Become Air and DOS Skill Invisibility Invisibility make for easy saves. DOS Skill Tornado Tornado also is a great skill for cleaning up the battlefield in case the environmental effects start becoming more beneficial to your enemies. A 1-level dip into Hydrosophist with this grants DOS Skill Rain Rain, which turns DOS Status Effect ChilledChills-44 Movement
-10% Water Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Chilled + Wet = Frozen

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
DOS Status Effect WarmWarm
into DOS Status Effect FrozenFreezes-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
, and DOS Status Effect WetWet+30% Chance to be Stunned
-20% Air Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Wet + Chilled = Frozen
enemies are 30% more likely to be stunned.

Original Sin[]

Skill Lvl Rq Skill Lvl AP Min Int Abil Lvl Req Description
Air Shield 10 11 5 11 3

Enchant self or ally with an air shield.
100% base chance to set DOS Buff Shielded (Air) Shielded (Air)Immune to DOS Status Effect StunnedStunned
20% Chance to DOS Status Effect StunnedStun Melee Attackers
+50% Air Resistance
-25% Earth Resistance

Skill: Air Shield Air Shield

Become Air 4 5 3 9 2

Absorb half of all physical damage dealt.
100% base chance to set Air Shield Air+50% Piercing Resistance
+50% Slashing Resistance
+50% Crushing Resistance

Skill: DOS Skill Become Air Become Air

Bitter Cold 1 2 3 8 1

Chills a target.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect ChilledChilled-44 Movement
-10% Water Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Chilled + Wet = Frozen

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
DOS Status Effect WarmWarm

Blitz Bolt 1 3 6 8 1

Shoots a bolt of electricity that deals X-Y air damage.
35% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Chain Lightning 18 18 9 13 5

Shoot a bolt of lightning that splits and strikes nearby targets. Can target terrain to electrify water. Deals X-Y air damage.
70% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Farseer 4 4 3 8 1

Grant a target improved Sight.
100% base chance to grant a target improved Sight (+5.00 Sight, +10% Chance to Hit).

Feather Drop 10 10 4Shocking T 10 3

Throw an item or character up high and land it safely on the floor.

Headvice 1 2 6 8 1

A magical claw hold. Deals X-Y air Damage.
35% base chance to set DOS Status Effect BlindBlindCannot target non-adjacent units

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill Doctor Doctor
DOS Skill Self Medicate Self Medicate

Immune to Electrified 7 9 4 10 3

Make a target immune to being Electrified.
100% base chance to set DOS Buff Immune to Electrified Immune to ElectrifiedImmune to DOS Status Effect StunnedStunned
+25% Air Resistance
-25% Earth Resistance

Skill: DOS Skill Immune to Electrified Immune to Electrified

Invisibility 7 8 6 10 2

Become invisible for 4 turns. Invisibility breaks when casting or attacking.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect InvisibleInvisibleCharacter is invisible on self.

Lightning Bolt 10 12 6 11 3

Shoot stunning bolt of lightning that deals X-Y air damage.
65% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Lightning Strike 7 7 8 9 2

Jumps from one target to the other, stunning them and dealing X-Y air damage.
30% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Make Invisible 16 16 8 12 4

Set invisible status on a target. Invisibility breaks when casting or attacking.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect InvisibleInvisibleCharacter is invisible .

Remove Petrification 13 13 6 11 4

Removes DOS Status Effect PetrifiedPetrificationCannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Skill Remove Petrification Remove Petrification

Shocking Touch 4 6 3 9 2

Electrify a nearby target.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Storm 18 19 9 13 5

Create a lightning storm that randomly picks targets and deals X-Y air damage.
90% base chance to set DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .

Summon Air Elemental 13 14 7 12 4

Summon an Air Elemental to fight for you for a while.
Can cast DOS Skill Blitz Bolt Blitz Bolt
Attacks have chance to DOS Status Effect StunnedStunCannot Move or Act

Teleportation 1 2 7 8 1

Throw an item or character up high and drop it to the ground, dealing X-Y crushing damage.

Tornado 10 12 7 11 3

Removes surfaces from the battlefield.


Ability Level Talent Unlocked Description
5 Lightning Rod Makes you immune to Stun.

Enhanced Edition[]

The bracket after the CD of each skill indicates the minimum cooldown (achieved when INT is 15 or higher).

Tier Skill Description AP CD Rec Int Rec Abl Lvl Req Lvl
Avatar of Storms Make a target immune to being Electrified or Stunned. Melee attackers may get stunned! 4 6(2) 9 2 3
Bitter Cold Freeze a target. 2 8(4) 8 1 3
Blitz Bolt Shoot a bolt of electricity that deals X-Y air damage. 6 5(1) 8 1 1
Shocking Touch Electrify a target at arm's length. Deals X-Y air damage. 3 6(2) 8 1 1
Teleportation Throw an item or character up high and drop to the ground, dealing X-Y crushing damage. 7 10(6) 8 1 1
Thunder Jump Jump from one target to the other, hitting a maximum of 2 targets, stunning them and dealing X-Y air damage. 5 8(4) 7 1 1
Wind of Change Cures Petrified, Slowed and Stunned. 2 7(3) 1 3
Air Absorption Shield Enchant self or ally with an air shield. An air shield absorbs air damage until it breaks. 3 6(3) 3 9
Headvice Get your magical claws out! Deals X-Y air damage. 5 8(4) 10 3 6
Invisibility Become invisible for a short time. 3 8(5) 10 2 6
Summon Air Elemental Summon a level X air elemental in a 15.0m radius for 18s. 7 7(4) 3 9
Tornado Removes surfaces from the battlefield, reveals invisible characters and clears Warm, Burning, and Hastened. 4 10(7) 3 9
Chain Lightning Shoot a stunning bolt of lightning that forks up to 5 times in a 7.0m radius and deals X-Y air damage to each target. 8 10(8) 11 4 12
Make Invisible Set Invisible status on a target. 5 8(6) 11 3 15
Netherswap Make two characters switch places. 2 8(4) 3 12
Storm Create a lightning storm that randomly picks 8 to 10 targets and deals X-Y air damage. 11 12 4 15

∞) Can only be cast once per combat.
