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Unique and incredibly powerful, the pieces of this set were fashioned by Aleroth's first Archmage: the famed Mardaneus. Though he was buried in his paraphernalia, graverobbers must have desecrated his last resting place for soon parts of the set were sold on the black market for exorbitant prices. And so they sometimes fell into good hands, though more often into bad ones.

Archmage Warhammer is a special warhammer in Divinity II: Ego Draconis


Archmage warhammer is a special one-handed warhammer that used to belong to archmage Mardaneus and is part of Aleroth Archmage Set. The set is constituted of helmet, cuirass, gauntlets, leggings, belt, necklace, earrings, bracelet, ring and a warhammer. It requires atleast level 26 in order to be equipped. When equipped the warhammer will boost Magic Damage by 6 points and Indomitable Will by 5 points. The warhammer has 2 charm slots and 2 enchantments slots. The default enchantment is Mana Leech.

How to Obtain[]

Chest within Stone's Flying Fortress interior. After you open the chest, you have to quickly jump back, since in front of the chest is a demon statue which will shoot a fireball.

Set Properties[]

Archmage Warhammer is a part of the set Aleroth Archmage Set which allows the item to gain additional, potentially increasing, properties the more items of the same set are worn. Archmage Warhammer primary increased attribute is Magic Damage, which is firstly gained by equipping 2 items from the set, and then increased by equipping more items from the set.

Set Items Equipped Set Bonus
1 Magic Damage + 0
2 Magic Damage + 10
3 Magic Damage + 12
4 Magic Damage + 14
5 Magic Damage + 16
6 Magic Damage + 18
7 Magic Damage + 20
8 Magic Damage + 22
9 Magic Damage + 24
10 Magic Damage + 26