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The classes, commonly refered to as class builds, are specialisations of the companions and the player character in Divinity: Original Sin 2.


Classes in this game are broken down into three groups, depending on their focus and playstyle, the groups are: warrior, mage and survivor. The classes are chosen at the character creation, when recruiting origin companion and when hiring mercenaries.

Choosing character class is one of the crucial aspects when creating a character and choosing companion. It defines their starting attributes, abilities, talents, spells or skills and their potential items and equipment. During character creation, the player can customise and combine abilities, attributes, talents and skills as they wish regardless of chosen preset class.

It should be noted however that preset classes are not permanent choice and can be altered at the Lady Vengeance through the course of the game itself. The classes themselves are not rigid, so it is possible to combine all sorts of attributes, abilities, skills and talents as desired. If gift bag Fort Joy Magic Mirror is activated a Magic Mirror indentical to one at Lady Vengeance will appear at Arena of Fort Joy. This will allow to customize attributes and abilities of origin characters before reaching the Lady Vengeance. Note that activating any gift bag disables achievments.

Creating Custom Classes[]

Despite being required to choose a preset class, it is possible to completely change character's abilities, attributes and skills in the character creation menu and at the Magic Mirror. The skills, abilities, stats and talents can be combined however the player wishes (provided the prerequisite abilities are met in some cases). For best effectiveness however it is advised to focus on only one type of damage in order to destroy the armour of enemies as soon as possible. Note however, that some enemies have resistances to certain types of damage (often elemental resistance and very rarely physical resistance) and therefore when focusing on one type of damage the player should have a back-up means of dealing different kind of damage in case of encountering resilient enemies.

Regardless of enemy resistance, stripping enemies of their armour as fast as possible is crucial in order to win combat. Enemies without armour can be affected by status effects and therefore forced to skip turns or temporarily switch sides. Outside of damage affecting attributes (Intelligence, Strength and Finesse) it is important to invest points in Memory and Wits. Memory provides slots for additional active skills and spells character may use in combat. Wits affects critical chance and most importantly of all initiative which is used to determine who gets to act first in combat. Having greater wits that your opponents may prove crucial should their damage output be higher than yours.

Lastly it should be noted, that in spite of some classes and abilities having greater effectiveness (damage-wise), the game can be completed with any chosen preset class or custom created class with different combinations of stats.

Preset Classes[]

Mage classes[]

Mages are primarily magic users who rely on their Intelligence attribute in order to survive and accomplish their goals. Their primary weapons are mostly one handed wands, two handed staves or occasionally daggers. They mainly focus on destroying magic armour of their enemies which protects them from elemental and magic induced status effects.

Custom dwarf female cleric
Heals allies or smashes skulls, depending on direction of the winds.
In-game description

The Cleric is a mage, who harnesses the powers of Necromancy and Hydrosophy to decimate their enemies and heal their allies. Their primary weapons are a one-handed mace, axe or sword and a shield. Their primary attributes are Strength and Intelligence. Their combat abilities are further supported by their innate talent Hot Head which increases their critical chance by +10% critical chance as well as their accurancy by + 10%. This talent works however only when they are at their maximum Vitality.

The cleric starts with Decaying Touch which is a necromancer skill, dealing physical damage up close and applying decay if the target does not have physical armour. Second starting necromancer skill is the Blood Sucker which allows its user to absorb the blood surface on which they stand in order to heal themselves. The last skill clerics have from start is the hydrosophist skill Restoration which allows them to heal themselves and their allies.

Outside combat they may utilise their Bartering civil skill in order to make their dealings with traders easier.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 11
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Bartering Icon (Original Sin 2) Bartering 1

Hydrosophist Icon (Original Sin 2) Hydrosophist 1
Necromancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Necromancer 1
Blood Sucker Blood Sucker
Decaying Touch Decaying Touch

Restoration (Original Sin 2) Restoration

Hot Head (Original Sin 2) Hot Head
Claw Hammer Weapon (Original Sin 2) Claw Hammer
Wooden Targe Makeshift Shield

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Water Balloon Water Balloon
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom elf female conjurer
Conjures a trusty personal demon and elemental totems to aid in battle.
In-game description

Conjurer is a mage who relies on the power of Summoning magic and their Leadership skill in order to lead their summoned creatures. Their primary weapons are elemental wands in one hand and shield in the other. Their primary attributes are Constitution and Intelligence which are needed to wield said weapons.

Their civil ability is Loremaster which allows them not only to identify the properties of found equipment but also to identify strengths and weaknesses of their enemies before engaging them.

This identification goes in hand with their starting skills. Their spell Conjure Incarnate and Elemental Totem allows them to summon said incarnate and totem on any surface in their vicinity. This allows them to conjure water totem to attack their fiery enemies, or blood incarnate to decimate their physically weak foes. Should Conjurer find themselves short of surfaces they may use their final starting spell Dimensional Bolt in order to attack their enemies at distance and create random surface beneath them.

Their talent is Pet Pal which allows them to communicate with all sorts of animals in order to learn potentially useful information.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 12
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Loremaster Icon (Original Sin 2) Loremaster 1

Leadership Icon (Original Sin 2) Leadership 1
Summoning Icon (Original Sin 2) Summoning 1
Conjure Incarnate Conjure Incarnate
Dimensional Bolt Dimensional Bolt
Elemental Totem Elemental Totem

Pet Pal (Original Sin 2) Pet Pal
Makeshift Wand Improvised Wand (Fire damage)
Wooden Targe Makeshift Shield

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
DOS2 firestorm grenade Firestorm Grenade
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Lohse the default Enchanter class companion
Prefers to turn the tide of battle from afar, manipulating foes with powerful magic.
In-game description

Enchanter is a mage who are focused on Aerotheurge and Hydrosophist magic in order to support their allies. Their primary attributes are Intelligence and Constitution which they need in order to wield their chosen weapon, a two-handed staff. Their combat abilities are further boosted by their talent Far Out Man which increases the range of their spells by 2 meters.

The Enchanters startings spells are Electric Discharge which in combination with their second starting spell Rain can deal great air damage and potentially stun their Wet enemies. Their third and last starting skill is Restoration which allows them to heal their allies and damage undead enemies.

Civil ability of the Enchanter is Loremaster which allows them to identify properties of found gear and the weaknesses of their enemies.

Out of all companions Lohse is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 12
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Loremaster Icon (Original Sin 2) Loremaster 1

Aerotheurgy Icon (Original Sin 2) Aerotheurge 1
Hydrosophist Icon (Original Sin 2) Hydrosophist 1
Electric Discharge Electric Discharge

Hail Strike Hail Strike
Rain Rain

Far Out Man (Original Sin 2) Far Out Man
Improvised Staff Improvised Staff (Air damage)

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom human female witch
An intimidating presence whose bone-chilling powers terrify friend and foe alike.
in game description

Witch is a mage who deals in Necromancy and Scoundrel skills. Their primary attributes are Intelligence, Finesse and Constitution. Their primary weapon is a dagger.

The witches starting spells and skills are Mosquito Swarm, an offensive necromancer spell that summons mosquitos at their enemies. This spell is particularly useful in combination with the Witches talent Leech, due to bleeding effect the spell causes and potential healing they may get if they stand upon the spilled blood. Their second starting spell is Raise Bloated Corpse which allows them to raise any fallen body to do their bidding. Their final third skill is Chloroform which allows the Witch to destroy magical armour and put their enemies to sleep at distance.

Outside combat the Witches can use their civil skill Persuasion to achieve their goals.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 11
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Persuasion Icon (Original Sin 2) Persuasion 1

Necromancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Necromancer 1
Scoundrel Icon (Original Sin 2) Scoundrel 1
Mosquito Swarm Mosquito Swarm
Raise Bloated Corpse Raise Bloated Corpse

Chloroform Chloroform

Leech (Original Sin 2) Leech
Shiv Shiv

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Poison Flask Poison Flask
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll

Fane the default Wizard class companion
A scholar of magic specialised in starting and ending battles with a flick of the wrist, exacting swift victory from safe distance.
in-game description

Wizard is a mage specialising in Geomancer and Pyrokinetic magic. Their primary attributes are Intelligence and Constitution. Their primary weapons are wands.

The Wizards starting spells are Fossil Strike that allows them to hurl a chunk of earth at their enemies, creating oil surface beneath them. Afterwards they may set them on fire either by throwing their Searing Daggers at them or if they are close enough or feeling particularly destructive, set everything around them on fire through Ignition spell.

The range of their spells are further improved by 2 meters through their talent Far Out Man. Outside combat they rely on their Loremaster civil skill that allows them to identify properties of found gear and weaknesses of their enemies.

Out of all companions Fane is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 12
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Loremaster Icon (Original Sin 2) Loremaster 1

Geomancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Geomancer 1
Pyrokinetic Icon (Original Sin 2) Pyrokinetic 1
Fossil Strike Fossil Strike

Ignition Ignition
Searing Daggers (Original Sin 2) Searing Daggers

Far Out Man (Original Sin 2) Far Out Man
Makeshift Wand Improvised Wand (Poison) 2x

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Fireball Scroll (Original Sin 2) Fireball Scroll
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll

Survivor classes[]

As the name implies, survivors are those specialising in pulling through tough situations by using any means necessary. They rely on their Finesse when using all sorts of weapons ranging from bows, crossbows to daggers and spears. They primarily focus on dealing physical damage that destroys physical armour and compliment physical damage through various magic spells.

Custom elf female metamorph
Adapts to dangerous situations with transformational tricks of nature.

Metamorph is a survivor who relies on the Polymorph magic to adapt their body in response to danger and Two-Handed expertise to wield their chosen weapon, a spear. Their primary attributes are Strength and Finesse.

Metamorphs chosen talent is the Opportunist which allows them to attack any enemies foolish enough to pass around them. Their first starting skill is Bull Horns that allows them to rush through their enemies and make them bleed. Their second starting skill is Tentacle Lash that allows them to disarm their enemies and the final starting skill is the Chicken Claw which allows them to transform their unfortunate foes into harmless chickens.

Outside combat, they rely on the Persuasion civil skill in order to achieve their goals through diplomacy or threats.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 12
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 11

Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Persuasion Icon (Original Sin 2) Persuasion 1

Polymorph Class Icon (Original Sin 2) Polymorph 1
Two-Handed Icon (Original Sin 2) Two-Handed 1
Bull Horns Bull Horns
Chicken Claw Chicken Claw
Tentacle lash Tentacle Lash

Opportunist (Original Sin 2) Opportunist
Wooden Pitchfork Wooden Pitchfork

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Oil Flask Oil Flask
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom lizard female ranger
A marksman with a legendary knack for self-preservation.
In-game description

Ranger is a survivor focused on Huntsman and Pyrokinetic skills. Their primary attributes are Finesse and Wits which they need in order to wield their ranged weapons like bows or crossbows. Their proficiency with bows and crossbows is further enhanced by their talent Arrow Recovery which gives them 33 % chance of recovering special arrows after they had been used.

Their first starting skill is Elemental Arrowheads which allows them to adapt the damage type of their attacks. The second starting skill is Ricochet that allows them to attack multiple foes at once. Third and final starting skill is pyrokinetic spell Peace of Mind that increases attributes by 1 and removes status effects such as Blinded, Charmed or Taunted.

Outside combat they rely on their civil ability Lucky Charm which increases their odds at finding treasure or equipment.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 12
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Lucky Charm Icon (Original Sin 2) Lucky Charm

Huntsman Icon (Original Sin 2) Huntsman 1
Pyrokinetic Icon (Original Sin 2) Pyrokinetic 1
Elemental Arrowheads Elemental Arrowheads
Ricochet Ricochet

Peace of Mind Peace of Mind

Arrow Recovery (Original Sin 2) Arrow Recovery
Twig With a String Twig With a String

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Fire Arrow Fire Arrow
Knockdown Arrow Knockdown Arrow
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Sebille the default Rogue class companion
With a lot of skill and a little luck, this rogue sees the world as an open coffer.
in-game description

Rogue is a survivor who uses their Scoundrel skill in combination with their Dual-Wielding skill. Their primary attributes are Finesse and Constitution. They primarily wield daggers in both hands.

Their first starting skill is Throwing Knife with which they can damage their foes from distance. The second starting skill is Backlash which allows them to teleport behind their foe and deal damage to them and their final starting skill is Adrenaline which grants them more action points at the cost of the action points gained in next turn in combat.

Their mobility on battlefield is enhanced by their talent The Pawn which allows them 1 free action point worth of movement at the start of their turn in combat. Their ability to move around is further enhanced by their civil ability Sneaking which makes their movement around undetected easier.

Out of all companions Sebille Kaleran is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 12
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Sneaking Icon (Original Sin 2) Sneaking 1

Dual Wielding Icon (Original Sin 2) Dual Wielding 1
Scoundrel Icon (Original Sin 2) Scoundrel 1
Adrenaline (Original Sin 2) Adrenaline
Backlash Backlash
Throwing Knife Throwing Knife

The Pawn (Original Sin 2) The Pawn
Shiv Shiv 2x

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Poison Flask Poison Flask
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom undead lizard female shadowblade
A powerful assassin whose arsenal of both daggers and magic would terrify any enemy, if they ever saw it coming.
in-game description

Shadowblade is a survivor relying on Polymorph magic in addition to their Scoundrel skill. Their primary attributes are Finesse and Wits. They mainly wield a single dagger.

Their first starting skill is Backlash which allows them to teleport themselves behind their foe and deal damage to them. The second starting skill is Chicken Claw spell which allows them to transform their foe into harmless chicken and their final starting skill is Chameleon Cloak that allows them to become invisible. The potential of this skill is further enhanced by their talent Guerilla which increases their damage dealt when sneaking by 40 %.

Their civil talent is Thievery which allows them to unlock locked doors, chests and to lighten the pockets of overly wealthy merchants.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 12
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Thievery Icon (Original Sin 2) Thievery 1

Polymorph Class Icon (Original Sin 2) Polymorph 1
Scoundrel Icon (Original Sin 2) Scoundrel 1
Chameleon Cloak Chameleon Cloak
Chicken Claw Chicken Claw

Backlash Backlash

Guerrilla (Original Sin 2) Guerrilla
Shiv Shiv

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Oil Flask Oil Flask
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Ifan the default Wayfarer class companion
A survivalist and a practitioner of magic, the Wayfarer is hard to hit and even harder to evade.
in-game description

Wayfarer is a survivor specialising in Geomancer magic and Huntsman skill. Their primary attributes are Finesse and Intelligence. Their primary weapons are crossbows and bows.

The Wayfarers first starting skill is Elemental Arrowheads which allows them to adapt their damage type according to nearby surfaces. Their second starting skill is Pin Down which allows them to not only damage their foe but also immobilise them. The third final starting skill is Fossil Strike which allows them to hurl a chunk of earth at their enemies and create an oil surface beneath them.

Their civil skill is Bartering which allows them to haggle better prices when dealing with Merchants. Their talent is Pet Pal which allows them to speak to animals.

Out of all companions Ifan ben-Mezd is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 12
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11

Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 10
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Bartering Icon (Original Sin 2) Bartering 1

Geomancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Geomancer 1
Huntsman Icon (Original Sin 2) Huntsman 1
Fossil Strike Fossil Strike

Elemental Arrowheads Elemental Arrowheads
Pin Down Pin Down

Pet Pal (Original Sin 2) Pet Pal
Toy Crossbow Toy Crossbow

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Fire Arrow Fire Arrow
Poison Arrow Poison Arrow
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll

Warrior classes[]

Warriors are wielders of Strength based weapons such as one-handed and two-handed swords, maces, axes and shields. Warrior classes focus on dealing large amount physical damage that destroys physical armour from up-close.

Beast the default Battlemage class companion
Amplifies brute strength with powerful magic.
in-game description

Battlemage is a warrior who, besides relying on power of their Warfare skills uses the Aerotheurge magic in order to defeat their enemies. Their primary attributes are Strength and Intelligence. Battlemages mainly use two one-handed weapons like axes, swords or maces in combat.

The Battlemages first starting skill is Battering Ram which allows the Battlemage to rush forward and knock down their enemies. The second starting skill is Blinding Radiance spell which blinds and deals air damage to enemies close to the battlemage. The third and final skill is Shocking Touch which allows the Battlemage to deal air damage to enemies up-close.

Unlike other classes, Battlemages do not need to fear defeat, thanks to their talent Comeback Kid which allows them once per combat to cheat death. Outside combat though, they rely on their Persuasion skill in order to achieve their goals through diplomacy or threats.

Out of all companions Marcus Miles, aka Beast, is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 11
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Persuasion Icon (Original Sin 2) Persuasion 1

Aerotheurge Icon (Original Sin 2) Aerotheurge 1
Warfare Icon (Original Sin 2) Warfare 1
Blinding Radiance (Original Sin 2) Blinding Radiance
Shocking Touch (Original Sin 2) Shocking Touch

Battering Ram (Original Sin 2) Battering Ram

Comeback Kid (Original Sin 2) Comeback Kid
Sharp Stone on a Stick Sharp Stone on a Stick 2x

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Fireball Scroll (Original Sin 2) Fireball Scroll
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
The Red Prince the default Fighter class companion
Brutal warrior and expert in close combat
In-game description

Fighters are warriors who alongside their Warfare skill rely on the Geomancer magic to bolster their physical defenses. Their primary attributes are Constitution and Strength. Their weapon of choice are one handed swords, axes or maces with a shield.

The Fighters first starting skill is Battle Stomp which allows them to knock down enemies in front of them and clear of some surfaces such as ice and fire. The second starting skill is Bouncing Shield which lets them throw their shield at an enemy and if there is another enemy in 5 meter range they will be struck as well. The third and final skill is Fortify which allows the Fighter to boost their physical armour. In combat the Fighter may also rely on their talent Opportunist which allows them to attack any enemies that move next to them.

Outside combat they rely on their Bartering civil skill to haggle better prices when trading.

Out of all companions The Red Prince is the one who chooses this specialisation by default.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 11
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 12

Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Bartering Icon (Original Sin 2) Bartering 1

Geomancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Geomancer 1
Warfare Icon (Original Sin 2) Warfare 1
Fortify Fortify

Battle Stomp Battle Stomp
Bouncing Shield Bouncing Shield

Opportunist (Original Sin 2) Opportunist
Knife On A Stick Knife On A Stick
Wooden Targe Makeshift Shield

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
DOS2 firestorm grenade Firestorm Grenade
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom undead elf female inquisitor
A daring mace-wielder risking life and limb to decimate evil head-on.
In-game description

Inquisitor is a warrior who chose to walk a darker path by utilising Necromancy alongside their Warfare skill. Their primary attributes are Strength, Intelligence and Constitution. They mainly wield two-handed weapons like swords, axes or maces.

The Inquisitors first starting skill is Battering Ram which allows them to move forward and knock down all enemies in their way. Their second starting skill is Blood Sucker which allows them to absorb the blood they are standing on in order to heal their wounds. The third and final starting skill is Mosquito Swarm which allows the Inquisitor to summon mosquitoes at their enemy in order to wound them and make them bleed.

The Inquisitors combat skills are further enhanced by their Executioner talent, which gives them 2 Action Points for every killing blow. Alongside this they may utilise their civil skill Telekinesis to move objects on their enemies.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 11
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 11
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Telekinesis Icon (Original Sin 2) Telekinesis 1

Necromancer Icon (Original Sin 2) Necromancer 1
Warfare Icon (Original Sin 2) Warfare 1
Blood Sucker Blood Sucker
Mosquito Swarm Mosquito Swarm

Battering Ram (Original Sin 2) Battering Ram

Executioner (Original Sin 2) Executioner
Makeshift Club Makeshift Club

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
Electric Discharge Scroll (Original Sin 2) Electric Discharge Scroll
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll
Custom dwarf male knight
Specialized in war tactics, knights are trained not only to fight, but to rally troops.
In-game description

Knights are warriors purely focused on their Warfare and Two-Handed skills. Their primary attributes are Strength and Constitution which they need in order to wield their weapon of choice: a two-handed sword, axe or mace.

The Knights first starting skill is Battle Stomp which allows them to knock down all enemies in front of them and clear away some surfaces. Their second starting skill is Battering Ram which allows the Knight to rush forward and knock down all enemies in the way. The third and final skill is Crippling Blow which allows the Knight to immobilise their enemy. Besides the starting skills, Knight also has an Opportunist talent which allows them to attack any enemy moving near them.

Outside combat they rely on their Bartering civil skill which improves the prices of items they are trading.

Attributes Abilities Skills / Talent Equipment
Strength Icon (Original Sin 2) Strength 12
Constitution Icon (Original Sin 2) Constitution 11

Finesse Icon (Original Sin 2) Finesse 10
Intelligence Icon (Original Sin 2) Intelligence 10
Memory Icon (Original Sin 2) Memory 10
Wits Icon (Original Sin 2) Wits 10
Bartering Icon (Original Sin 2) Bartering 1

Two-Handed Icon (Original Sin 2) Two-Handed 1
Warfare Icon (Original Sin 2) Warfare 1
Battering Ram (Original Sin 2) Battering Ram
Battle Stomp Battle Stomp
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow

Opportunist (Original Sin 2) Opportunist
Good Part Of A Twohander Good Part Of A Twohander

Minor Healing Potion (Original Sin 2) Minor Healing Potion
DOS2 firestorm grenade Firestorm Grenade
Resurrection Scroll Resurrection scroll

