Divinity Wiki

One of the systems that Divinity: Original Sin uses are Environmental Effects. They play a big role in combat and can alter the gameplay. All surfaces and clouds can be removed by the skill, DOS Skill Tornado Tornado.

Ground Surfaces[]

Blood and Water[]

  • Any effect that causes a living character to bleed will create a puddle of blood on the ground. Piercing and slashing damage weapons and skills will trigger this. Also skills and items that causes the DOS Status Effect BleedingBleedingDamage Over Time

    Removed by:
    DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
    DOS Skill First Aid First Aid
    DOS Skill Self Medicate Self Medicate
    status effect will trigger this. Blood can also be frozen or electrified like water.
  • Frozen blood or water can cause any character to be DOS Status Effect Knocked DownKnocked DownCannot Move or Act

    Removed by:
    DOS Skill Helping Hand Helping Hand
    and will melt when hit with a fire skill.
  • Electrified blood or water can cause any character that is not immune to be DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act .
  • They can be removed from the field using DOS Skill Tornado Tornado, and terrain affecting water skills.
  • The Leech Talent removes some blood whenever it procs on the users turn.



  • Lava surfaces will destroy anything that does not have 100% or more Fire Resistance.
  • It cannot be doused but can still be removed by using DOS Skill Tornado Tornado
  • It can be created by using DOS Skill Lava Core Lava Core


  • Oil causes DOS Status Effect SlowedSlowed-64 Movement
    -4 Starting AP
    -4 Maximum AP
    -4 Recovery AP

    Removed by:
    DOS Status Effect HastedHasted
    when stepped on.
  • It will explode and create fire surfaces when a Pyrokinetic skill or a burning object comes into contact with the Oil.
  • It can be created by using DOS Skill Midnight Oil Midnight Oil


  • Ooze can be created by DOS Skill Boulder Bash Boulder Bash, DOS Skill Boulder Dash Boulder Dash or physically hitting zombies.
  • Causes DOS Status Effect PoisonedPoisonedPoison Damage Over Time

    Removed by:
    DOS Skill Treat Poisoning Treat Poisoning
    when stepped on.
  • It will explode when a fire skills or a burning object comes into contact with the Ooze.



  • Characters that pass through Poison Clouds will DOS Status Effect PoisonedPoisonedPoison Damage Over Time

    Removed by:
    DOS Skill Treat Poisoning Treat Poisoning
  • When Poison Clouds meet any fire objects or abilities, they will create explosions and disappear.
  • It can be removed using DOS Skill Tornado Tornado and Fire.


  • Smoke is created by explosions and blocks line-of-sight.
  • Can be removed by DOS Skill Tornado Tornado.


  • Steam is created whenever fire and water terrains meet each other. A steam cloud is generated making it a fog of war but still allowing movement within it.
  • Steam can also be electrified causing any characters within it to become DOS Status Effect StunnedStunnedCannot Move or Act if they are not immune.
  • It can be removed using DOS Skill Tornado Tornado.



  • Normal weather or can be created by DOS Skill Rain Rain.
  • Causes everything to become DOS Status Effect WetWet+30% Chance to be Stunned
    -20% Air Resistance
    +10% Fire Resistance
    Wet + Chilled = Frozen


  • Found in only one region north of Luculla Forest, causes DOS Status Effect SlowedSlowed-64 Movement
    -4 Starting AP
    -4 Maximum AP
    -4 Recovery AP

    Removed by:
    DOS Status Effect HastedHasted

Winter Wonderland[]

  • Found in Hiberheim, causes DOS Status Effect ChilledChilled-44 Movement
    -10% Water Resistance
    +10% Fire Resistance
    Chilled + Wet = Frozen

    Removed by:
    DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
    DOS Status Effect WarmWarm
  • Due to large amounts of ice, also causes DOS Status Effect Knocked DownKnocked DownCannot Move or Act

    Removed by:
    DOS Skill Helping Hand Helping Hand
    if you forget your Winter Boots or some Nine Inch Nails.

Ash Fall[]

  • Extremely close to lava, ash chokes the air, but merely causes creatures to be a bit DOS Status Effect WarmWarm-10% Fire Resistance
    +10% Water Resistance
    Warm + Warm = Burning

    Removed by:
    DOS Status Effect ChilledChilled
    DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen